
Bachelor studies: Mathematics U. Salamanca, 2021
Year of graduation at MAMME: 2022
First job after MAMMME: PhD researcher in Mathematics at U. College Dublin (Ireland)
This master allows its students to choose the best path for the next step of their studies/working life. In my case, I could choose courses of my interest, which gave me a good background to start my PhD studies. All the professors teaching in MAMME are very helpful and always try to give their best and make their lectures into an interesting experience.

Bachelor studies: Mathematics FME-UPC, 2021
Year of graduation at MAMME: 2022
First job after MAMMME: Junior researcher at Wageningen University (Netherlands)
This master opened me a lot of new possibilities and helped me to specialise in the mathematical areas that I love the most. Moreover, thanks to its flexibility, I could design my own lectures' path and even do an Erasmus, as well as work on the Master's thesis in an external research group abroad. I also want to emphasise the good environment between students and teachers, where you can easily feel comfortable in. On the whole, it has been a great experience and key to starting my professional career.

Bachelor studies: Mathematics & Aerospace Engineering at CFIS-UPC, 2020
Year of graduation at MAMME: 2021
First job after MAMMME: Functional Design Engineer at ASML (Netherlands)
Being flexibility one of its strongest features, the MAMME is an excellent choice for those willing to foster their knowledge in targeted areas of mathematics. Thanks to its highly customisable study plan, it can serve both as a launching pad to academia or as a bridge towards the labor market. Moreover, the dedication of its teachers, as well as the quality of the faculty, are to be highlighted too.

Bachelor studies: Mathematics at FME - UPC, 2019
Year of graduation at MAMME: 2020
First job after MAMMME: PhD researcher in analysis at Imperial College London (UK)
MAMME gave me the required background in applied mathematics to begin my PhD studies at Imperial College London. The Master extensively broadened my math skills in PDEs and related subjects. Overall, MAMME represent the perfect bridge between the lecture-taught undergraduate math studies and the independent-research based PhD studies.

Bachelor studies: Aerospace Engineering, Swansea University UK, 2019
Year of graduation at MAMME: 2021
I believe that one major advantage of the Master's in Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering program at UPC is the flexibility of the course. Along with the classes offered by MAMME, you are able to choose about half of your classes from a variety of other courses depending on your interest.
On top of this, the professors teaching the classes are very helpful and understanding. Due to my background in engineering, the course was not easy but with good support, I was able to learn a lot this past year.

Bachelor studies: Mathematics & Telecommunications Enginnering at CFIS- UPC, 2020
Year of graduation at MAMME: 2021
First job after MAMMME: PhD researcher in Electrical Engineering at University of California, Irvine (US)
The tools I learned during my MAMME studies have helped me understand the fundamental ideas behind many of the engineering papers that I am reading during my PhD. This program gave me the opportunity to delve into a variety of topics, and it encouraged me to pursue a career in research in the ones I had an interest in. In my case, I am trying to apply graph theory concepts to electrical engineering problems.

Solange Coronel
Bachelor studies: Mathematics at UB, Barcelona, 2018
Year of graduation at MAMME: 2021
First job after MAMMME: Data Analyst
MAMME has many course options. Among these, studying applied mathematics: PDEs, ..., has helped me for the future, to feel more comfortable when wanting to apply for a PhD. There are many projects in which having studied this branch of mathematics helps a lot, since the research topic is usually about modeling. In addition, in my opinion, doing the final master's project prepares you in terms of rigor and professionalism.

Bachelor studies: Telecommunications Engineering at UPC, 2019
Year of graduation at MAMME: 2020
First job after MAMMME: Applied scientist at Alexa IA (Amazon)
As a graduate in engineering, I joined the MAMME to dive deeper into the underlying mathematics present in every technical application. The master is very versatile and flexible: you can plan the ideal study program according to your curiosities and needs. In my specific case, I was able to course one semester at the UPC-FME and another at the EPFL, develop my master’s thesis at the IRI-CSIC research center and do an internship at Telefonica Research. Not only was my knowledge of applied mathematics drastically improved, but I also gained a year of research experience, key for jumping into the tech industry.

Bachelor studies: Economics & Business Economics, U. of Groningen, Netherlands, 2015
Year of graduation at MAMME: 2021
First job after MAMMME: Machine learning engineer
I took this Master's degree to gain a strong mathematical foundation in order to move from a Data Analyst to a Machine Learning position. For me it was a balance of pure mathematics, which taught me mathematical thinking, as well as statistical and applied mathematics which served as a good introduction to Machine Learning. Additionally, although the classes are quite challenging, the environment is not competitive and all teachers and fellow students are always willing to help.

Bachelor studies: Mathematics, University of Lille, 2019
Year of graduation at MAMME: 2020
First job after MAMMME: PhD researcher in Mathematics at the BME/ Alfréd Rényi Institute, Budapest (HU)
The MAMME was a great opportunity for me to expand my areas of knowledge in mathematics. The flexibility of the content is an incredible asset, I really feel like I designed my own personal degree that suits me the most. That is actually how I found an area that I really wanted to dive deeper into, and that I am now doing research on.
Another important aspect for me is the availability of the teachers. They are always very helpful, and I really felt welcomed and part of the university throughout my time there, especially as a foreigner.