
Focus on Modelling and Analysis in Biomedical Sciences

Research in biomedical sciences increasingly involves mathematical modelling as a support to validate theories, to test computational replicas, to manage biomedical data and to deal with new challenges that are hard to explore either clinically or experimentally. All these goals require scientists with the solid basis provided in standard mathematical undergraduate programs, but also equipped with advanced mathematical and computational tools, as well as a practical spirit, to serve at the interface of biology, medicine, mathematics and computation. Fortunately, while the MAMME program gives the opportunity of acquiring a basic knowledge of mathematical models in biology and advanced mathematical/computational tools, other master's programs at UPC, allow offering a complete training to prepare our students in this stimulating interdisciplinary area. Students interested in joining this area through the MAMME will receive advice from the master's coordination to tailor their curriculum according to different scopes in mathematical modelling of biomedical sciences. We aim at giving a broad training in the mathematical modelling of medically significant biological problems and, additionally, endow their careers with an initial subfocus in some specific problems. The list of courses below represent the wide offer at the UPC to tailor specific profiles (the student has to select 45 ECTS from it), which can be also complemented with problem-oriented master's theses (for example, study of phylogenetic trees, mathematical and computational neuroscience, electro-mechanical models in cardiac physiology, mathematical epidemiology,...), eventually co-advised with partners in biomedical labs. Researchers involved in the area offer their advice to adapt the curriculum to each student’s background and interests.

Brain dynamics: modelling and analysis at different levels, with different tools (differential equations, graphs, statistics,...)

Simulation of curved cellular monolayers with computational mechanics

Mathematical models in biology 7.5 ECTS English MAMME
Numerical Methods for dynamical systems 7.5 ECTS English MAMME
Mathematical Modeling with PDEs 7.5 ECTS English MAMME
Numerical Methods for PDEs 7.5 ECTS English MAMME
Computational Mechanics 7.5 ECTS English MAMME
Qualitative and quantitative methods in dynamical systems 7.5 ECTS English MAMME
Graph theory 7.5 ECTS English MAMME
Inferencia estadística avanzada 5 ECTS Spanish MESIO UPC-UB
Fundamentos de bioinformática 5 ECTS Spanish MESIO UPC-UB
Multivariate data analysis 5 ECTS Spanish-English MESIO UPC-UB
Probability and stochastic processes 5 ECTS English MESIO UPC-UB
Time series 5 ECTS Spanish-English MESIO UPC-UB
Numerical Modeling* 9 ECTS English Màster en Enginyeria de Camins, Canals i Ports, UPC
Técnicas básicas en neurociencia** 5 ECTS Màster official en neurociencia, UB-UPF-UDL-URV
Biología Celular y Molecular de la Neurona** 5 ECTS Màster official en neurociencia, UB-UPF-UDL-URV
Diseño y análisis de datos en neurociencia cognitive** 2.5 ECTS Màster official en neurociencia, UB-UPF-UDL-URV
Neurociencia computacional** 2.5 ECTS Màster official en neurociencia, UB-UPF-UDL-URV

We remind that a minimum of 3 MAMME courses (22.5 ECTS) is mandatory.

(*) “Numerical Modeling” is recommended to students that do not have a solid background in numerical methods and programming. Registration to this course requires the approval of the director of the corresponding master.

(**) These courses are proposed to students willing to get a deeper focus neuroscience. Registration to these courses requires the approval of the director of the corresponding master.